
The dataset contains 1211 DAG executions from 2 computational science workflows and 1 ML data science workflow, under normal and anomalous conditions. These workflows were executed using Pegasus WMS - Panorama. Synthetic anomalies, were injected using Docker’s runtime options to limit and shape the performance. The table below presents the breakdown of DAG executions per type, and the data have been labeled using 6 tags (normal, cpu_2, cpu_3, cpu_4, hdd_5 and hdd_10).

  • normal: No anomaly is introduced - normal conditions.

  • CPU K: M cores are advertised on the executor nodes, but on some nodes, K cores are not allowed to be used. (K = 2, 3, 4M = 4, 8 and K < M)

  • HDD K: On some executor nodes, the average write speed to the disk is capped at K MB/s and the read speed at (2xK) MB/s. (K = 5, 10)

Workflow DAGs

Figure: DAGs representation of each workflow in the dataset.

Workflow Dataset Statistics

Workflow DAG Information #DAG Executions #Total Nodes per Type
Nodes Edges Normal CPU HDD Normal CPU HDD
2 3 4 5 10 2 3 4 5 10
1000 Genome 137 289 50 100 25 - 100 75 32261 5173 756 - 5392 4368
Montage 539 2838 51 46 80 - 67 76 137229 4094 11161 - 8947 11049
Predict Future Sales 165 581 100 88 88 88 88 88 72609 3361 3323 3193 3321 3293
Variant Calling 371 792 80 80 80 - 75 80 115588 8287 7222 - 7365 8083
CASA Wind Speed 162 342 150 200 200 - 200 160 116836 8793 8382 - 8305 5104
CASA Nowcast 2081 4029 101 80 78 - 79 83 685045 49960 46664 - 46104 48328
CASA Nowcast Small 419 795 80 80 80 - 80 79 128562 10031 9592 - 9427 9569
Soil Moisture 60 185 125 98 97 - 92 93 24408 1706 1428 - 1344 1414
PyCBC Inference 17 26 206 89 74 - 67 66 6970 549 326 - 388 301
PyCBC Search 220 704 102 100 100 - 104 100 151004 9495 9039 - 8324 8346
EHT Difmap 33 59 142 93 88 - 89 89 13000 1059 737 - 877 860
EHT Imaging 12 18 212 76 74 - 70 69 4908 354 241 - 261 248
EHT Smili 16 26 148 87 84 - 90 93 6471 437 325 - 382 417